Designing your plan is what we do best! After you upload your employee census, you will be able to design the best plan for your company. We will present you with three different contribution options, taking into account affordability, compliance, and employee satisfaction.
The three plans you will see are:
- Plan A: The "Saver" plan - The plan with the lowest out-of-pocket exposure for the employer
- Plan B: The "Compliant" plan - The good value plan which is 100% compliant with ACA requirements
- Plan C: The “Wow” plan - The plan with the most generous employee benefits
We recommend you choose your benefits package from the options we provide as they are customized just for your company, considering affordability, compliance, and employee satisfaction. You may also choose to design your plan in some other fashion, such as keeping the contribution amounts the same for all employees. The choice is up to you and we are here to help!